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What is the WMMP, and why is it important

The regional Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (WMMP) outlines how the Wellington region’s eight councils are working with mana whenua, our communities, and the waste industry to transform how we generate, manage, and minimise waste.

This is important if we want to sustain our natural resources in the long-term, make positive changes for the environment, and create additional benefits for our people and the economy.

The WMMP addresses the key issues identified in the region’s waste assessment and aligns with Te rautaki para | New Zealand Waste Strategy, which shows how Aotearoa New Zealand can shift to a low-emissions, low-waste society built upon a circular economy by 2050. 

The regional WMMP (2023-2029) includes a shared vision, objectives, policies, and methods. It also includes local action plans, which explore what will be done on a local level.

our action plans

The Regional and Local Action Plans are roadmaps that identify what steps we will take to achieve the objectives of this WMMP. Collectively, they set the wheels in motion and steer us toward the long-term achievement of this WMMP.

Click from the below list to find out more about our Plans:

Wellington Region, Wairarapa, Lower Hutt, Kāpiti Coast, Porirua, Upper Hutt, Wellington City